Using PB6/7 of ATmega328P with Arduino IDE
The Goal
For a small project I used the ATmega328P MCU – and then the small project somewhat exploded and I needed more and more I/O-Pins. Suddenly all but the PB6 and PB7 pins were in use, and I needed exactly two more…
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Building a Media Center for German IPTV
The Raspberry Pi with Kodi is a versatile media center. Getting it to work with German IPTV in a stable fashion is however somewhat challenging. In this post I outline the necessary steps to set up a XBian based media center, to make it usable on a rather small SD TV screen, to avoid the 30 minutes offset problem with the public German TV stations, to make the channel mappings stable and to control the media center via IR remote control.
3.2″ Touch Display Quick Guide
The Waveshare/Joy-IT 3.2″ touch display for Raspberry Pi is well suited for embedded applications that require a dynamic but small user interface. This article describes the steps required to get it working with Jessie, X and Python.
Motion Sensor PoC: BNO055 and Raspberry Pi Subtleties
The BNO055 is a capable IMU that has on-chip sensor fusion and filtering. Interfacing can be done using I²C and UART. When used with the Raspberry via I²C, you get erroneous measurements because of the I²C clock stretching bug of the Raspberry. Using the UART, results are correct.
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Title Image Project: LED Controller
To create a lamp with adjustable color temperature and brightness, I use a warm/cold white dual LED strip, an ATtiny45 MCU with N-channel MOSFETs and two adjustable resistors. This article contains the hardware and software setup. The title image of this blog shows the project.