3.2″ Touch Display Quick Guide
The Waveshare/Joy-IT 3.2″ touch display for Raspberry Pi is well suited for embedded applications that require a dynamic but small user interface. This article describes the steps required to get it working with Jessie, X and Python.
Motion Sensor PoC: BNO055 and Raspberry Pi Subtleties
The BNO055 is a capable IMU that has on-chip sensor fusion and filtering. Interfacing can be done using I²C and UART. When used with the Raspberry via I²C, you get erroneous measurements because of the I²C clock stretching bug of the Raspberry. Using the UART, results are correct.
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Title Image Project: LED Controller
To create a lamp with adjustable color temperature and brightness, I use a warm/cold white dual LED strip, an ATtiny45 MCU with N-channel MOSFETs and two adjustable resistors. This article contains the hardware and software setup. The title image of this blog shows the project.