Hauke’s Projects

Playin' around with Electronics and Computers

3.2″ Touch Display Quick Guide

The Waveshare/Joy-IT 3.2″ touch display for Raspberry Pi is well suited for embedded applications that require a dynamic but small user interface. This article describes the steps required to get it working with Jessie, X and Python.


This is more for myself to document the steps necessary to connect and install my 3.2″ touch display to my Raspberry. Nothing new here you would not find somewhere else also.

The device

The 3.2″ touch display has a resolution of 320×200 pixels and comes with a small plastic touch pen. I got mine from Conrad, but you find this kind of display at several dealers. Distrubutor is Joy-IT, and they maintain software and documentation here. They again seem to redistribute a display from Waveshare. It seems that there are also badly made clones of it – you need to look closely. The display connects to the “old” 26-pin header of the Raspberry, but works also with the 40-pin versions.

The device uses SPI to interface with the TFT display.

The documentation you find is not always complete, so here is how to get this thing up and running on Jessie. Good thing: It works with the official Raspbian image, no need to get some badly maintained image from the manufacturer or compile anything yourself.

Installing the display

In principle, this guide is nearly complete. Here’s the synopsis:

Get the driver:

The last line is important, since with Jessie the overlay names changed.

Add to /boot/config.txt:

Add to the single line in /boot/cmdline.txt:

After reboot, some boot messages will still go to the default display, i.e. HDMI or composite video, but after a short while, you’ll see the console turning up on the display.

Setting up the X interface

To use the dispaly and the touch ability with the graphical desktop (which does not really make sense due to the tiny screen resolution), you need to edit (or create) /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf:

This is for 270° rotation. For all options available see here.

And in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf a line needs to be changed:

Making the touchscreen available without X

Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/95-ads7846.rules:

After reboot, there should be /dev/input/touchscreen.

Touch as console mouse (not really…)

I could not find a way to make the touch screen work as a console mouse, but at least I could achieve that touching the display causes the screen to wake up from sleep/screen blanking. For this I installed gpm:

This on the first glance seems to work, but it does not: The cursor does not follow the pen, because gpm does interpret the output as relative movement. Changing /etc/gpm.conf to:

makes the screen wake up on touch, but no erratic screen selections happen. I tried a number of the gpm devices listed when running

but none seems to really work. If you know a way to make it work properly, please leave a comment! For my project, it’s currently not really relevant.

Optional (kind of): Calibrate touch

You may calibrate your screen:

This will write /etc/pointerconf, containing values describing the touchscreen.

lets you test the screen – you may even draw on it 🙂

This step is optional if you do not rotate the display. As soon as the display is roteted, the calibration in /etc/pointerconf will automagically take care of this rotation in programs – at least if they use tslib, among them the pygame library for Python. No idea currently what other software uses /etc/pointerconf.

Adjusting the console to the tiny resolution

The standard font does not let you see very much on the tiny screen. Run

You’ll be guided through some menus. Pick

  • Charset: “UTF-8”
  • “Guess optimal character set”
  • Pick the font face – I reccommend “Terminus”
  • Pick the character size – I recommend “6×12”

You need a little patience, but then you’ll see the font change on the display.

Here’s the display in action on a Raspberry Pi Zero (please note: this is with “dtoverlay=waveshare32b:rotate=0” in /boot/config.txt):

3.2" TFT Display in Action
The 3.2″ TFT display in action

GPIO availability

A drawback of the display is that it blocks the first 26 GPIO header pins. However, not all are used. According to the Conrad and Waveshare pages, this is the situation (GPIO assignment given for Rev 1 Pi):

Pin # Raspberry function Display function Pin # Raspberry function Display function
1 3.3 V 3.3 V 2 5 V 5 V
3 GPIO 2/I²C SDA   4 5 V 5V
7 GPIO 4   8 GPIO 14/UART TxD  
11 GPIO 17 TP_IRQ – Touch Panel interrupt, low while touch detected 12 GPIO 18/PWM Button 0/Key 1
13 GPIO 27 RST – Reset 14 GND GND
15 GPIO 22 DC – Instruction/Data Register selection 16 GPIO 23 Button 1/Key 2
17 3.3 V 3.3 V 18 GPIO 24 Button 2/Key 3
23 GPIO 11/SPI SCK SCK 24 GPIO 8/SPI CE0 CE0 – LCD chip selection, low active
25 GND GND 26 GPIO 7/SPI CE1 CE1 – Touch Panel chip selection, low active

Good: I²C and UART are unused and free. Bad: PWM is used for one of the hardware keys. And: No backlight control. There are other, similar displays that offer backlight control – if it is important to you, go look around.

Using with Python

Prerequisites for Jessie (as of March 2017)

Using the touchscreen with Jessie, Python and the pygame library is surprisingly complicated to get to work – this forum post finally helped me to get it running. Unless you run the following steps, the touchscreen readings are simply nonsense! Cause is a compatibility issue with the touchscreen, SDL and Jessie.

Necessary steps:

  • Make the old Wheezy repository for the SDL library available to dpkg
  • Switch SDL library to have the Wheezy archive as default repository
  • Force downgrade to SDL 1.2

Here’s the way to go, copied 1:1 from above’s post by heine (line breaks are intentional!):

Before you follow these steps: If you read this quite a while after March 2017 (when I wrote these lines), it may be worth a try without the downgrade. Maybe the bugfix is there by then.

Accessing the screen with pygame

Install pygame:

Run the steps above for linking and tslib, including calibration if the display is rotated.

And here’s some sample code, inspired by Jeremy’s Blog (recommended to read for more touchscreen/GUI inspirations):

3 thoughts on “3.2″ Touch Display Quick Guide

  1. A vanilla Raspian install does not have the 99-fbturbo.conf file by default; you can get it with

    Or try this: (my edited version)

    1. Thanks for this – don’t remember that this was necessary, but sometimes I forget setup steps I did much earlier for other reasons…

      – Hauke

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