Hauke’s Projects

Playin' around with Electronics and Computers


Blog posts mainly thought as documentation for myself, but hopefully of some value to others too.

Touch Rotation with 10″ Display from Joy-IT

I got myself a 10″ multi-touch display from Joy-IT for my Raspberry. I’m quite satified with the display, it has a relatively high resolution, very good display quality, good viewing angle, and touch works very well – the necessary driver is included in Raspbian. Two things that could be better: The backlight is not software-controllable, and the position of the HDMI and USB connectors is not optimal.

In the end I want to use the display mounted vertically in a wall, so I included the line

into /boot/config.txt. Unfortunately this only rotates the display, not the touch input, so the mouse is not following the touch. The line lcd_rotate=3, which would turn both display and touch, only works for the official Raspberry Foundation display. The methods described in my 3.2″ Touch Display Quick Guide do not work with this screen either. First, because tslib does not know how to handle the multitouch, and second: the SwapAxes line is also not recognised.

Still, /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf is the key to success:

That does the trick, also on brand-new Raspbian Stretch. For more details on the transformatin matrix, also for other rotations, go here.

Creating the “Perfect” Hiking Map for Germany and other Countries

In this post I show how to create useful hiking maps by merging OpenStreetMap data with the usually excellent official maps of the cartographic offices of Germany and several other countries. Using MOBAC and Maperitive, a transparent layer containing POIs, landscape features and elevation information is generated from OSM data and then overlayed on the official maps. Also, mapsources for OruxMaps are derived for the various countries.

Continue reading “Creating the “Perfect” Hiking Map for Germany and other Countries”

Building a Media Center for German IPTV

The Raspberry Pi with Kodi is a versatile media center. Getting it to work with German IPTV in a stable fashion is however somewhat challenging. In this post I outline the necessary steps to set up a XBian based media center, to make it usable on a rather small SD TV screen, to avoid the 30 minutes offset problem with the public German TV stations, to make the channel mappings stable and to control the media center via IR remote control.

Continue reading “Building a Media Center for German IPTV”

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