Hauke’s Projects

Playin' around with Electronics and Computers

Year: 2020

Quick Thing: TARDIS Housing for Raspberry Pi modded for Raspberry Pi 4

This is just a quick note that I updated my Tardis housing for my media center to now hold a Raspberry Pi 4. The new version features:

  • An improved “POLICE public call BOX” sign
  • A hole for a 5 mm LED in the top for a shining light
  • The necessary holes for USB-C, 2x Micro-HDMI and Audio out
  • A removable top

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Quick Thing: Case for Diamex All-AVR Programmer

The Diamex/Tremex All-AVR programmer for ATmel microcontrollers comes as “naked” populated PCB, no case, no protection against shorts or other damage. I created a case for it, with the following design criteria:

  • Protection against accidental shorts as good as possible.
  • Easy access to the jumpers that control the various operation modes.
  • “Park position” for the jumper that de/activates the external power (since it is often in “off” position and can easily be lost).
  • LED signals need to be visible.
  • Uses the existing mounting holes.

Continue reading “Quick Thing: Case for Diamex All-AVR Programmer”

Replacing Fabtotum Hybrid Head v1 Hotend with E3D Lite6

I replaced the stock hotend of the Fabtotum Personal Fabricator Hybrid Head v1 by an E3D Lite6 hotend (The full metal V6 should work the same way). In this post I describe the steps to remove the old hotend, get in the new hotend and the simple modifications to the firmware that were required.

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Quick Note: Modify the WordPress Comments Cookie Consent in an Update-stable Way

It always bothered me that I could not modify the text (“Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.”) of the cookie consent checkbox in the WordPress comments section to explicitly mention that it uses cookies. Continue reading “Quick Note: Modify the WordPress Comments Cookie Consent in an Update-stable Way”

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